Included in: Brooklyn 2013 Boston 2013
Category: Play

Rebecca Handler: The Tourists

Artist’s Statement:

This series makes a commentary on American Tourism. I intended to portray three stereotypical vacation destinations, and show the tackiness of our culture when it comes to travel. Instead of focusing on the fashionable or glamorous aspect of it as it is traditionally done in travel photography, I choose to focus on the realness of it. Americans put on a costume when they travel; they become a different persona.

Tourists carry a gear bag, transforming themselves into their own luggage, props, and costumes, that aid them in the process of choosing who they want to be during this vacation. Tourists choose who they want to be during this reality escape.

Artist’s Bio:

Rebecca Handler: Brooklyn, New York. USA

NYC Conceptual Photographer : Rebecca Handler (born1981 in Suffern, NY)

Rebecca Handler lives and works in New York City, the perfectly surreal playground for a playfully surreal artist.

After attending University in California, and working in the motocycle industry, Rebecca returned to New York. Since then, she has been tackling the photo industry with an undying thirst to produce new and innovative work. Mixing photography and digital manipulation, Rebecca Handler creates photographs rich in details, mood and color.

From unconventional shooting techniques, to printing processes, Rebecca pushes the boundaries of her medium. With her vintage aesthetic and unique style, which she describes as “kitsch with class”, her work is definitely eye catching.