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Category: Play

Niki Boon: A Sincere Place of Freedom

Artist’s Statement:

We live a simple life in rural New Zealand, my children are alternatively educated and live without TV or modern electronic devises. It’s a lifestyle that may seem unconventional to some, but I am here to celebrate the magical place I choose to live with my family.

I document their days, together, in an environment full of nature and uninhibited play. I photograph as physical record of their childhood, life as it is. Real… but also as a reflection of a childhood rooted deep in my own past. A most sincere place of freedom. A childhood I now pass on to my own children. Although deeply personal I believe that others will also connect to some aspect of their own childhood…

I believe my children are right where they belong, covered in mud and running and living through nature. They belong here wild and free and earth connected in a way where the landscape begins and there little souls end.

Artist’s Bio:

Born in North Island of New Zealand, I was originally trained as a Physiotherapist and spent 6 years working both in New Zealand and the UK. It was when I stopped working after my second child that I rekindled a passion for photography. My current project was born from the desire to document our family’s days as we pursue an alternative education and lifestyle in our rural environment. I am a mother of four currently based in Marlborough, New Zealand.