Included in: Boston 2014
Category: Play

Don Hamerman: AutoShow

Artist’s Statement:

I love the surprise at seeing these tiny 2.5″ vehicles transformed into large prints; seeing them at the “Fence” size would be a delight.

These old matchbox toys occupy the category of humble, overlooked objects imbued with memories, beauty and a dash of childhood innocence. Most of these were discovered in the world’s virtual junk drawer—eBay. Viewed as finished prints — and especially at Fence size — it’s hard to believe that the die cast toys themselves fit in the palm of a child’s hand. At larger sizes they become monumental, iconic, even majestic in their battered state. “Back in the day,” batteries weren’t required for amusement—just a sandbox and a fertile imagination.

Artist’s Bio:

Stamford, CT

Commercial photographer, photojournalist and fine art photographer…