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Category: Streets

Andrew Warren: Panoramic Triptychs Japan

Artist’s Statement:

The streets of Japan are full of vibrant scenes of organized chaos. In a country where space is at an ultra-premium, the use and storage of vehicles is a carefully thought out and deliberate action. My triptychs are an attempt to capture some of the creativity that has gone into the problem-solving of Japanese wheels owners. The choice of vertical panoramic highlights the formal constriction of the space while creating new juxtapositions and relationships across varied street scenes.

Artist’s Bio:

Andrew MK Warren is a photographer living in Roslindale, MA. He shoots pictures frequently, often examining curious and frustrating aspects of wheels-based culture. An avid driver, bicyclist, skateboarder, and surfer, Andrew makes regular runs to Vermont for beer, and all over for records. He lives with his wife and 4 cats and teaches Photography and Video at Buckingham Browne & Nichols in Cambridge, MA.